Sunday, 10 July 2011

Faster Gprs by changing only one setting......

It was today that I
discovered this!! You can
get faster gprs in your
mobiles just by changing
one setting. I use nokia
5130 c2 and its an s40 v5 device. It has got
opera mini 4.2 pre installed.
But even when
using paid gprs I was not
able to switch over to the
socket connection mode. I thought it was due
to the make of the phone
i.e s40. However
when I downloaded the
newly released opera mini
6 I could use the socket protocol. Now the
version difference is the
one which helped me
here. Just press #8 in opera
mini and you will get
settings tab, there go to the protocol and
select socket instead of
http and voila you are
done. The pages load in a
jiffy, the browsing is
smoother, the looks are better, the downloads
better and the G or E
symbol does not
deflate. I found more about
socket and saw that we
can't use port and other things and so
hacking it for free gprs
may be difficult. But one
can use the Airtel super ip
trick by downloading the
modded files. Just put in the query boxes and you
can use this in
handlers too. Whatever
even if it does not work
for free this trick is
worth trying.


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