Hi friends
This is my first post, and here I'm going to share a couple of new software and a technique called as virtualization.
First of all, I'm going to tell you what's the virtualization in short.
It basically have two parts, Hardware virtualization and Software virtualization.
With the help of virtualization, we can use multiple operating systems within Windows (Some softwares are platform independent also !).
Check out the Screenshot of all the software below.

The mainly used virtualization softwares in the market are,
Virtual Box
This is a free open source software, which helps you to install any operating system in Windows, Linux, Mac OS, DOS, OS/2, BSD, Solaris etc. This software will give you the better performance for the VM's installed in it.
Get this software at
Vmware Workstation
This is a paid software. The Vmware company discovered the concept of Virtual Machines and all this. But the performance of the virtual machines inside it is lower than that of Virtual Box (Tested on my laptop), & the installation is also heavy (around 600 MB).
Get a trial at
Wine for Linux
Wine is a free, open source application for running Windows software on operating systems that are normally not supported. With Wine, you can install and run these applications just like you would in Windows.
Get it at
Parallels Desktop for Mac OS X
Parallels Desktop gives Mac users the ability to run Windows, Linux or any other operating system and their critical applications at the same time as Mac OS X on any Intel-powered Mac Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook etc.
Get it at
QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. It supports most common virtualization architecture pairings.
Get it at
MobaLiveCD is a freeware that will run your Linux LiveCD on Windows. With the help of it, we can test various Linux flavors on Windows.
Get it at
If any help about how to install a OS in your Windows without formatting hard disk is needed then just reply here.
Otherwise on good replies, I'll post a tutorial on Virtual Box or Vmware Workstation.
Enjoy !
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